Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Student Volunteers Needed!

The call for student volunteers is now available. We are looking for a number of enthusiastic students to come and help us making the conference run smoothly in September. In exchange for your assistance, you will be able to attend the conference free of charge and will have the opportunity to link with colleagues and fellow students.
Deadline for applications is June 30th.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Advance programme to appear soon

The ECSCW07 Programme Committee, led by the programme chairs, Richard Harper and Carl Gutwin, has met during the last two days in Cambridge, discussing the 124 paper submissions to the conference. This means that the advance programme for ECSCW07 will appear soon on the website and that registration will be open in the next few weeks!
A call for Student Volunteers will also appear in the next few days.
